In 2013 we saw a stunning timelapse of the Wolf Lake region by photographer and friend, Rob Nelson. A timelapse that sparked an interest and generated awareness of the Save Wolf Lake campaign to over 24,000 people.

Fast forward to a few years later when Rob and friends: Christoph Benfey, Ian Muller and James Horner ventured back to Wolf Lake with the intent of creating another stunning video bringing even more interest to the Wolf Lake efforts. Whilst the team was able to capture some amazing footage, it became clearer that to complete this video they needed a bit of help. Through pARTners for Wolf Lake, Red Tent Media partner and artist, Sarah Carlson connected with Rob, bringing Red Tent Media on to the project.

Red Tent Media (L­R): Fran Brand, Sarah Carlson, Sarah Paul

Red Tent Media joined the collaborative journey alongside Rob’s team, the Wolf Lake Coalition and Friends of Temagami to expand and tell the full story of this ecological gem. As visual storytellers for the Canadian outdoors, Red Tent invites you to follow along the unfolding story of Wolf Lake in a four part series and feature film documentary. All this in an effort to protect the world’s largest and critically endangered ancient red pine forest.

Save Wolf Lake logo design by Red Tent Media.

Red Tent will explore the theme of time woven through the fabric of the land and the very core of the old ­growth red pines. Currently in production, we are taking a closer look beyond the beauty of this unique landscape, but also at the history, science, traditions, community, artistic and most importantly the impact and stewardship for the future over the next year to create a richer story. We will weave these in depth stories of time together from individual episodes to create a feature film that shares the overall vision of Wolf Lake.